In Athens today an Association is being established as National Section – Member of the International Association for Earthquake Engineering – I.A.E.E. based in Tokyo, and of the European Association for Earthquake Engineering – E.A.E.E., based in the hometown of the elected, each time, General Secretary of the Association.


Article 1

Firm Title


The Association has the title «Hellenic Section for Earthquake Engineering» and the distinctive title H.S.E.E.

In the relations of the Association abroad with foreign persons or legal entities, the English   translation of the as above title i.e. «Hellenic Society for Earthquake Engineering – H.S.E.E» will be used.


Article 2



The Seat of the Association is the Athens Municipality, where the Central Office of the Technical Chamber of Greece is also located at 4 Karagiorgi Servias street.

By a unanimous decision of its Executive Committee (E.C.), the Association can establish offices in other Greek cities and abroad.


Article 3



The scope of H.S.E.E. is:

a)    The co-operation with the above mentioned International Associations, of which this Society is a member according to their Statutes.

b)    The co-operation with the National Members of these Associations, through information exchange, visits, etc.

c)    The promotion of Scientific and Technological Developments and Applications in the field of Earthquake Engineering in our country, through research, publications, co-operation with Universities and other Institutions, by maintaining a library and archives of related subjects, by organizing conferences, seminars, lectures etc.

d)    The official participation in International Conferences for Earthquake Engineering and the organization of similar events in Greece.

e)    The participation in the revisions of the Greek Code for Earthquake Resistant Design, whenever necessary, and the contribution to earthquake risk mitigation, in general.

f)     The advancement of the spirit of co-operation and the protection of scientific and professional status of its members and of all Engineers – members of the Technical Chamber of Greece – through common actions on earthquake engineering related subjects.

g)    The selection and appointment of the representatives to the I.A.E.E. and the E.A.E.E., and of the members for working groups of these Associations.

h)    Any other activity related to Earthquake Engineering from a scientific point of view (theoretical or applied), within the goals of the Technical Chamber of Greece, the I.A.E.E. and the E.A.E.E.


Article 4

Members – Representation – Rights – Obligations - Responsibilities


4.1. Regular members of the H.S.E.E. can be licensed Civil Engineers, members of the Technical Chamber of Greece who:

(a)  Have at least one (1) publication in a scientific journal in the area of earthquake engineering or

(b)  Have at least one (1) participation with presentation of a paper in a Conference of Earthquake Engineering organized by the Technical Chamber of Greece, the I.A.E.E., the E.A.E.E., or in other similar events of comparable status, or

(c)  Have at least 10 years documented earthquake engineering design experience.

Membership is also granted to Engineers of other specialties who are members of the Technical Chamber of Greece or to Seismologists, with at least ten (10) years of experience on subjects of Earthquake Engineering or Engineering Seismology and have at least one (1) participation with presentation of a paper in a Conference of Earthquake Engineering organized by the Technical Chamber of Greece, the I.A.E.E., the E.A.E.E., or in other similar events of comparable status, by a justified decision of the  E.C., after an application is submitted.


4.2.  Interested persons should apply for H.S.E.E. membership to the E.C., by submitting also documents that prove their eligibility according to paragraph 4.1 of these Statutes. Submission of an application for membership implies full knowledge of and agreement with these Statutes

The decision is taken by a majority vote of the present members of the E.C. and must be properly justified.

Membership to the H.S.E.E. may also be granted to a person who meets the requirements of paragraph 4.1, after a justified recommendation by an E.C. member and by a unanimous decision of the E.C.

Membership cancellation after a written request by a member or after total inactivity for five years is made by a majority vote of the present members of the E.C.

Appeals for membership denial or cancellation are examined and a final decision is made by the first General Assembly, regular or special, after the appeal.


4.3.   All members have equal rights and responsibilities.       

More specifically, regarding responsibilities, every member has the duty to conform completely to the Laws, the present Statutes and the decisions of the E.C. and the General Assembly, in accordance with the Law.

The members have the right to be informed on the contents of the books kept by the H.S.E.E., such as property books, register, receipts and payments, and to participate in the General Assembly.

The members have the right to vote, to elect and to be elected.

Members who have not paid their dues lose their right to vote, elect and be elected.


4.4.  The membership dues is fifteen (15) Euros per year, subject to change by a decision of the E.C.


4.5.        Scientists or established high status and with exceptionally large contribution in the areas of interest of the Society, are bestowed honorary membership by a decision of the General Assembly after a unanimous recommendation by the E.C.


Article 5

General Assembly


The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of the Society Department. It is formed by all the members of H.S.E.E.

It meets regularly once a year during the period of November – December.

It meets also whenever the E.C. deems it necessary or whenever it receives a request, with the subjects of the agenda, signed by at least the 1/8th of the membership of the Society.

In case the E.C. will not call a General Assembly within twenty days from the day of the request, the General Assembly may be called by a Committee representing the applicants.

The General Assembly is considered in quorum when more than the 50% of the members are present.

In case of non-quorum, the General Assembly is called again within a fixed period (not earlier than seven days and no later than twenty one days after the first meeting), and it is considered in quorum if more than the 25% of the members are present.

If once more quorum is not achieved, the General Assembly is called again within a fixed period (not earlier than seven days and no later than twenty one days after the second meeting), and it is considered in quorum regardless of the number of members present.


The General Assembly has the following powers:

a) Elects the E.C. and the Auditor Committee, and absolves the E.C. and the members from their responsibilities.

b) Bestows Honorary Memberships after recommendation by the E.C.  and takes final decisions on membership cancellations, according to article 4 of the present Statutes.

c) Elects the National Representative in the International Association for Earthquake Engineering (I.A.E.E.) and the National Representative in the European Association for Earthquake Engineering (E.A.E.E.), upon expiration of the corresponding terms.

The National Representatives in the above Associations can be the same person.

The terms of office of these Representatives are in accordance to the Statutes of the I.A.E.E. and E.A.E.E.

d)        Modifies and makes additions to the Statutes.

 Regarding such modifications or additions, these must be announced to all members of the Society and to the Board of the Technical Chamber of Greece, at least two (2) months in advance, whereas a positive decision is made with a quorum of at least 50% and a ¾ majority vote of the members present.

e)        It makes final decisions on any issue internal to HSEE.

f)         It decides for dissolving the Society in accordance with article 9 of these Statutes.


Article 6

Management – Representation


6.1          The management and administration of the Society affairs are assigned to the Executive Committee (E.C.). The E.C. consists of seven (7) regular members and (4) substitutes, which replace in order those regular members who are unable to participate or are absent.

The E.C. members are elected by secret ballot every three (3) years, during a regular General Assembly meeting.

The substitute members participate in the E.C. meetings, but if they do not substitute for a regular member, they have no right to vote. The members elect among themselves by secret ballot, the Chairman, the Vice Chairmen, the General Secretary and the Treasurer. The E.C. is in quorum when at least five (5) of its members are present.


6.2          The E.C. has the following responsibilities:

a)         It carries out the decisions of the General Assembly

b)        It advances the goals of the Society, as defined in article 3 of these Statutes

c)        It maintains contacts with the I.A.E.E. and E.A.E.E., cooperating with the National

         Representatives, as well as with other similar international or national societies.

d)        It gives account of its actions to the General Assembly every year, presenting the

             financial and executive account

e)        It decides about the enrollment of new members and makes recommendations to the

         General Assembly for bestowing honorary memberships.

f)         It prepares the General Assembly meetings.

g)        It decides and makes recommendations to the Technical Chamber of Greece (TCG)

          about the operation of the office of the H.S.E.E.

h)         It prepares the organization of conferences, seminars, lectures, discussions etc., in

          cooperation with the TCG.

i)         It decides about formation of and membership to Committees, working groups, etc.,

         with the aim of better advancement of the goals of the H.S.E.E .

j)         In the first 15 days of October of its 3rd year in office, it calls a regular General

         Assembly, to which it gives account of its actions.


6.3          The E.C. meets at least once every 3 months. The meeting is held after a written invitation by the Chairman, which includes the agenda, sent at least ten (10) days earlier. An E.C. member who is absent from three (3) consecutive meetings, or from five in the year, could be replaced permanently by the first of the substitute member in order, by decision of the E.C. Moreover, members who may resign, are replaced in a similar manner by substitute  members.


6.4          The minutes of the E.C. (meetings) are read and certified by the members during its next meeting.


6.5          Immediately after its election, the E.C. convenes as such and elects the Chairman the Vice Chairmen, the General Secretary and the Treasurer, each with the following responsibilities:


(a)  Chairman

i.      Represents the HSEE to all legal entities or physical persons, public or private, to the State authorities and in Courts, in Greece or in foreign countries, and also to international Organizations and to the authorities of the European Union and binds HSEE with his signature.

      However, with respect to the IAEE and the EAEE, the Chairman represents HSEE only in cooperation with the elected National Representatives, and binds it by cosigning with the National Representatives.

ii.    He Convenes the General Assembly and the E.C.

iii.  He writes and recommends the agenda for the meetings of the two “bodies”

iv.   He chairs the meetings of the two bodies and executes their decisions. In cases when two proposals receive equal number of votes, the one for which the Chairman has voted is considered as having the majority vote.

v.     He is in charge of correspondence. The correspondence with the IAEE and the EAEE is carried out with the elected National Representatives and cosigned by the Chairman and the respective national representative. Every outgoing correspondence is communicated to the Technical Chamber of Greece.

vi.   He informs the National Representatives to the IAEE and EAEE on matters of their concern and is also fully informed by them in writing on all pertinent subjects.

      The same person cannot serve as Chairman for more than two (2) consecutive terms


b)    Vice Chairmen


i    They replace the Chairman in his duties, whenever he is absent or it he has some problem, after consultation with him and by an E.C. Decision. The Chairman may delegate some of his responsibilities to the Vice Chairmen, after the E.C. gives its approval

ii   They alternately chair the E.C. meetings whenever the Chairman is absent


c)      General Secretary


  i    He is the Head of the office of the HSEE, responsible for its proper functioning

  ii   He is responsible for keeping the Minutes of the E.C. and of the General Assembly

       meetings as well as the correspondence.

  iii  He keeps the Member roster

  iv  He informs the Chairman and the E.C. about all the above matters.


d)      Treasurer

i.          He is charged with receiving any payments to the HSEE and with keeping the

         necessary documentation.     

ii.        He makes recommendations to the E.C. on matters that require financial means.

iii.      He keeps the Ledger and any other financial documents as the Law requires.


(e)          National Representatives

  i     They are elected according to Article 5ă

         They participate in the meetings of the HSEE’s executive bodies and in the activities of the respective International Associations, with the aim of advancing science, advancing the cooperation with them and the utilization of the Greek human potential in the working groups and other activities of such Associations and, further, they make binding agreements with them by co-signing with the Chairman of the HSEE.

ii)        They inform directly the executive bodies of the HSEE (General Assembly and E.C.) on whatever subject concerns the International Associations, or others with whom they might exchange correspondence.

iii)      Upon termination of their term, they submit to the E.C. a detailed statement of their activity in relation to the activities of the International Associations. This statement is communicated to the General Assembly and discussed before the new National Representative is elected.

iv)       They can attend the E.C. meetings but have no voting right.

The position of Chairman is incompatible with that of National Representative.


Article 7

Means – revenues of the HSEE


The means of the HSEE for realizing its goals are:

a)    The membership dues

b)    The contribution of the TCG in office space, secretarial support, (personnel, consumables, etc), membership dues of the HSEE to international scientific Associations

c)    Any donations from Greece or from abroad, including such from the European Union

d)    Any other donation from its members or from third parties.


Article 8


The E.C. is authorized to prepare the Operating Rules of the HSEE within the framework of these Statutes and the Law.


Article 9

Dissolution of the HSEE-Property


The Association is dissolved by a General Assembly decision voted by at least a 4/5 majority of the present members, which must exceed the absolute majority of the HSEE membership at the time of the vote.

The pertinent proposal must be submitted at least six (6) months in advance.

The last General Secretary is responsible for recording the assets of the HSEE and to transfer the archives, the stamp and all the assets and property of the HSEE to the Executive Body of the Technical Chamber of Greece.

In case of dissolution of the Association, the General Assembly decides and appoints the Liquidator

In case that a pertinent decision cannot be reached, the liquidation is performed according to the articles of the Civil Code, or by a Court appointed Liquidator.

In case that after dissolution and liquidation of the Association, there is still some remaining property, this is donated to legal entities with similar goals and activities as the HSEE, by care of the Liquidator who also selects such legal entities.


Article 10


For any disagreement or dispute among members of the Society or between members and the Society, as to the application and interpretation of the present Statutes, the Courts of Athens will decide.


Article 11

Final provisions:


The first E.C. consists of the following regular and substitute members:

(a)       Regular members:

1. Anagnostopoulos Stavros

2. Vagelatou Olympia

3. Vettas Panayotis

4. Karydis Panayotis

5. Penelis Georgios

6. Tasios Theodosios

7. Fardis Michail


(b)    Substitute members

8. Kolias Vasileios

9. Kappos Andreas

10. Abakoumkin Victor

11. Vlachos Ioannis



Task of the provisional E.C. is the legal establishment of the Society, the public announcement of the creation of the H.S.E.E. for the call of membership applications, the review and decision upon such applications, the preparation of the Operating Rules, as well as the call and execution of elections of the H.S.E.E., in parallel to its duties as foreseen in the present Statutes.

The duration for completion of the tasks of the provisional E.C. is set to one year, after approval of the present Statutes by the appropriate public Authorities. The present Statutes consisting of eleven (11) articles were signed today in Athens by the founding members as follows:



Athens, 24 April, 2002







NAME                                                PROFESSION                                              SIGNATURE