
The Executive Administration of the Technical Chamber of Greece is elected by a universal vote for a three-year period. It consists of the following bodies :

a. Assembly Presidium

This is the collective representative body of the Technical Chamber of Greece and consists of 201 delegates

b. The Executive Committee that consists of the president, two vice presidents, a secretary general, an assistant secretary general and ten members. They are:

PRESIDENT : AlavanosYannis , Rural & Surveying Engineer

FIRST VICE PRESIDENT :  Drakakis Manolis, Rural & Surveying Engineer

SECOND VICE PRESIDENT : Kontzambassakis Antonis, Civil Engineer

SECRETARY GENERAL :  Dragkiotis Theodoros, Civil Engineer

MEMBERS : Christou Helias, Civil Engineer

            Diakomihalis Vassilis , Mechanical - Electrical Engineer

            Fourkas Yannis , Mechanical - Electrical Engineer

            Kremalis Konstantinos, Chemical Engineer

            Moropoulou Antonia, Chemical Engineer

            Papadopoulos Yannis, Mechanical - Electrical  Engineer

            Sinanis Christos, Mechanical - Electrical Engineer

            SerafidisTheodoros, Architect

            Tahiaos Nikolaos , Rural & Surveying Engineer

            TheodorakisYannis, Rural & Surveying Engineer



            Agoris Dimosthenis , Mechanical - Electrical Engineer, President

            Donas Romilos , Civil Engineer, A¢Vice President,

            Tsegos Eystathios , Civil Engineer, B¢ Vice President

            Zervakis Giorgos, Architect, Secretary General

            Kyriakopoulos Yannis , Assistant Secretary General