The Technical Chamber of Greece is an active member of the International Community. It is related to many International and European Organizations and participates in several of them.
AISS Association International de la Securite Social-International Section for the Prevention of Occupational Risks in the Cor |
BUM Balkan Union of Metallurgists |
CAE Conseil des Architectes d'Europe |
CIB Conseil International du Batiment- International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction |
CLAIU-EU Comite de Liaison des Associations d¢Ingenieurs Universitaires |
CLGE The European Council of Geodetic Surveyors |
ECCE European Council of Civil Engineers |
ECEC European Council of Engineers Chambers |
EFCE European Federation of Chemical Engineering |
EGOS European Group of Surveyors |
Euro-Case European Council of Applied Sciences and Engineering |
FEANI Federation Europeenne dʼAssociations Nationales dʼIngenieurs(FEANI) |
FIB Federation Internationale du Beton |
FIG Federation International des Geometres |
FMOI Federation Mondial des Organisations d' Ingenieurs |
FOCOPE The Forum in the European Parliament for Construction |
ICOMOS Internatinal Council on Monuments and Sites |
IFAC International Federation of Automatic Control |
SCI Steel Construction Institute |
UIA Union Internationale des Architectes |
WEC World Energy Council |