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- Greek - Arab Technical Cooperation -



  Announcement     Sponsors  
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The Technical Chamber of Greece organized a Symposium that aimed at the advancement of cooperation between the technical communities in the Arab countries and Greece.
The geographic proximity of Greece to the Arab World and the traditionally friendly relations between Greece and the Arab countries gave the chance for a stable and mutually beneficial cooperation among the engineers and the technical companies, which in the recent past gave many successful examples and greatly contributed to the creation of many development projects in the Arab countries.

At the Symposium distinguished Greek and Arab engineers, representatives of the public sector and private companies met, discussed and exchanged information on key subjects related to the institutional, social and investment environment in the Arab countries, Greece and the broader area of the South- Eastern Europe.

The main objective of the Symposium was the creation of conditions for:

•    The coordination of actions for common activities.
•    The direct undertaking or joint venture of technical studies, engineering projects, and the procurement of building materials from Greek companies in the Arab countries and vice versa, targeting to the opening of the markets with mutual benefits.
•    The occupation of Greek engineers in the Arab countries and vice versa.
•    The promotion of Greek investments in the Arab countries and Arab investments in Greece.

The Symposium focused on:

Ι General Items:
•    The role of Greece in the European Union and the Balkans.
•    Investment opportunities in Greece and the Arab countries- Institutional measures - Tax legislation- sources and terms of financing- Financing and credit environment (European and International credit institutions).
•    Availability in human resources and materials.

ΙΙ. Consulting Engineering-Construction-Materials- Other Services
•    The contribution of Greek construction companies to the development of the Arab countries, in cooperation with the local ones.
•    Greek and Arab construction and consulting engineering companies: Potential and Capacity.
•    Requirements and procedures for contract bid and award.
•    Demand and availability of engineering consultants and contractors.
•    Building materials and construction equipment capability.
•    Proposals for the establishment of communication channels for tender invitations through national professional engineering associations.
•    Tender invitations for joint ventures from participating countries.

At the Symposium a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed by the President of the Technical Chamber of Greece , Mr Yannis Alavanos and the President of the Federation of Arab Engineers, Mr. m.j.Al Charafi